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博客來-Out of the Ballpark博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F011009503
Before he hit 400 home runs...
Before he was named American League MVP...
Before he was AROD to millions of fans...
He was Alex.
Just a kid who wanted to play baseball more than anything else in the world.
Baseball superstar Alex Rodriguez has drawn on his own childhood experiences to create this exciting picture book. It's the story of a boy named Alex who knows what it's like to wing at a wild pitch or have a ball bounce right between his legs. Alex is determined not to let his mistakes set him back -- even if it means getting up at the crack of dawn to work on his hitting and fielding before school each day!
Full of the spirit of determination and joy in the game that put AROD in a league of his own, this picture book is a gift from a great sports hero to every young player who dreams of becoming a star.
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